Upstage PlayRead at St. Helena Library

UpStage actors will present our always well-attended annual play reading at the St. Helena Library. At this annual event, we will read a new work, Life As I Knew It, by Frank Shima. The play is appropriately set in a library.  We are happy to bring back actor, Bruce Miroglio, as the distressed Herman who is frantically looking for a book with a blue cover, and Mara McGrath as Clara, the stern Librarian.  Antonia Allegra will play Mrs. James, a rude library patron.  Also featured will be a scene from our upcoming play, The Sound Inside by Adam Rapp.

Los actores de UpStage presentarán nuestra lectura anual de obras, siempre muy visitada, en la Biblioteca de St. Helena. En este evento anual, leeremos una nueva obra, Life As I Knew It, de Frank Shima. La obra está apropiadamente ambientada en una biblioteca.  Nos alegra volver a contar con el actor Bruce Miroglio, que interpreta al angustiado Herman, que busca frenéticamente un libro de tapa azul, y con Mara McGrath, que interpreta a Clara, la estricta bibliotecaria.  Antonia Allegra interpretará a la Sra. James, una maleducada cliente de la biblioteca.  También se representará una escena de nuestra próxima obra, The Sound Inside, de Adam Rapp. 

