What gets you out of bed in the morning? Sure, alarms can wake you. But what motivates your day? What matters most to you? 


This interactive session will walk participants through a series of activities to discover or rediscover their gifts, values, and passions.


This is an experiential process designed by Blue Zones Project in partnership with Richard Leider, a leading expert in Purpose studies and author of the book “The Power of Purpose.”


Purpose is deeply personal, it’s found at the place where an individual’s gifts, values, and passions intersect. And when put to work, it can be used to lead a more meaningful, rewarding life.


We know from the five original blue zones that people who wake up in the morning with a sense of purpose live longer. We want people to both have and live on purpose as part of our goal to improve well-being. And we know that individuals who know and can articulate their purpose can add up to seven healthy, happy years to their life. Come join us to find out more!


